Supercharge your utility data to benefit your customers and society
Water companies are currently facing numerous challenges due to the climate crisis, changes in weather patterns, and population growth.
To guarantee the water supply for the future, water conservation has become increasingly critical.
Reaching conservation goals, while challenging, is achievable when data is paired with powerful tools capable of interpreting it and taking appropriate action. This ensures you can deliver transformative benefits to your customers, society, and the environment.
Maximize your data’s potential: 4 key benefits
Inspiring use cases
Severe droughts are becoming more frequent in various US states and regions, including the City of Georgetown (CoG) in Texas, which provides water services to around 80,000 citizens.
During the dry season (April-September), the city imposes restrictions on garden watering. Historically, detection of unauthorized usage and follow-up on these restrictions were often manual and labor-intensive.
By utilizing the custom algorithms we developed, the city was able to transition to automatic detection of unauthorized usage. This enabled them to engage customers proactively and in a more timely manner.

SWDE is one of the largest water companies in Belgium, operating two million meters. Their goal was to assist public authority customers in conserving water.
By using advanced algorithms in their smart meter profile data, which is more sophisticated than the basic alarms generated by the meters, they were able to detect water leaks.
This enabled them to dynamically present insights in a web portal where public authority customers could view potential opportunities for savings. With this proactive communication, they could also boost customer engagement and satisfaction.

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