Leverage data and ai

Data and AI: your shortcut to launching new products and services quickly

The energy sector has become increasingly competitive, and its products and services are constantly evolving.

As a utility, you want to provide your customers with the breadth of energy and additional products and services they require now and in the future.

Speed up your time to market

The good news is that, with the help of technology, you can bring new products and services to market quickly. You can even gather valuable insights about what your customers want and how they want it to be delivered.

By leveraging the power of data and AI, you can identify opportunities and implement strategies ahead of the competition.

The time it takes for a new product or service to reach the market can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the complexity of the product or service, the regulatory environment, and the competition.

Your time to market may be shorter for simple products or services that do not require significant infrastructure investment or regulatory approval.

On the other hand, it may be longer for more complex products or services, such as those involving the construction of new power plants or the rollout of new technologies, due to the need for extensive planning, regulatory approvals, and infrastructure development.

Leverage data and AI for quicker time to market

Commodity products

Technology can help you identify trends in demand from customer usage or contract data and use that information to build new tariffs.

You can also use technology to model the impact of new products on usage, revenue, and billing. This ability to accurately forecast the efficacy of a new product adds crucial agility and responsiveness to your customer offering. It also makes your customers feel that you understand them and are focused on their needs.

Emerging non-commodity products

Many consumers are seeking ways to self-generate energy. Solar panels, windmills, and industrial batteries are growing in popularity but require significant investment and maintenance. This also creates opportunities for you as an energy retailer.

You can, for example, offer leasing solutions for solar panels, including installation and maintenance as options. These can either be billed as one-off costs or as a monthly service charge. You can utilize data to provide a hybrid charging solution whereby consumer costs are offset by the user selling a portion of their self-generated electricity back to the utility. You can leverage AI to model the broader impact on your customers’ billing and rates, adjusting your buy-back rates accordingly. By allowing your customers to configure the products that best suit their unique situation, e.g. with an online tool on your customer portal, you can provide them with visibility to their costs and benefits, putting them in control of their energy journey.

There are other opportunities for non-commodity innovations that align with customers’ lifestyles and enable you to position your brand as a key component of it, such as EV chargers and car-sharing schemes. These can help you evolve from being merely an energy retailer to a truly renewable service partner.

Configure products with an online tool

The key to all of this is data

Understanding your customers, their lifestyles, and their needs will help you develop products that inspire loyalty and attract new customers.

You can gather this data through your Customer Information System (CIS), such as the consumptions retrieved via your smart meters, insights captured during the sales journey, the payment behaviour of this customer group, or insights gleaned from customer service interactions such as sentiment.

If employed correctly, these insights can enable you to quickly devise, launch, and optimize products and services.

Here at Itineris, we love to help you realize the potential of digital transformation.

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