Apply now!

Didn’t find what you were looking for on our Search jobs page?
Just send us your contact details, and we’ll get in touch to check if there’s a match.

Your application journey

At Itineris, we believe in a personal approach to help you determine if a career with us is the right fit for you.


Apply online

Apply for one of our job openings or send us your CV and motivation. We’ll be happy to check if we find a match.



We’ll contact you by phone to discuss your skills and career goals, and to assess whether they align with what we are looking for. If we are a good match, you’ll be invited for an interview at our Ghent or UK offices.


Expert interview

You’ll be interviewed by one of our experts, who will also provide you with more details about the job content, company culture, and growth & development opportunities.



If we click, we’ll be happy to send you a job offer, and welcome you to our #OneMagentaFamily!